Mole Analysis & Removal Clinic

FAQ's on Mole Mapping

Our Harley Street Healthcare Mole Clinic London provides the following services:

  1. Mole Mapping – Carried out by senior Dermatologist (£199)
  2. Mole Analysis – Carried out by senior Dermatologist, any concerning moles will be surgically removed and sent for testing on the same day. (£199 + cost of mole removal dependant upon complexity)
  3. Mole Check – Carried out by senior Dermatologist.

To book one of the above appointments please call us on 0207 030 3370.

*All moles removed will be subject to histology testing if deemed potentially cancerous by the senior dermatologist fees may apply

What is mole?

It can be defined as dark spot or irregularity in the skin. Moles change very slowly and disappear after some time. The medical term for a mole is a benign melanocytic naevus, while some moles are completely dark and flat, some are slightly raised and brown.

What causes moles?

  1. Some people are born with moles, while some other types of moles may appear at later point in life.
  2. Exposure to sun plays a vital role in moles development and can also result in development of dysplastic or atypical moles.
  3. The role of hereditary cannot be ignored. It has been observed that several families round the world have dysplastic that can be associated with higher frequency of melanoma.

At what age does it develop?

Moles are not present from birth, but they usually develop from the 2nd year of life until middle age. Adults can develop moles in their 30’s or 40’s, but in case if they notice a new mole then it is advisable to keep a close eye on it and check whether it develops any warning signs of skin cancer or not. If you see any changes to an existing mole we would recommend you to book an appointment with one of our senior dermatologists at Mole Clinic London by calling 0207 030 3370.

What does it look like?

It is either brown/black in colour and can appear anywhere on the skin.

When to consider mole removal?

It is not important to consider mole removal. There are 3 main reasons as to why you should consider mole removal:

  • Mole makes one feel embarrassed about its presence. Prominent/several moles can make one look unattractive.
  • It may look like cancerous. In some cases, it may happen that melanoma, a serious type of cancer can develop within the mole, so you should be careful about it.
  • Moles get developed in a place, where it may cause irritation and discomfort to the person.

Mole Removal Surgery

It is carried out under local anaesthetic, which means that affected skin area would be completely numb, but the person remains awake. The person would be given sedative drugs with a local anaesthetic that helps him/her feel relaxed during procedure.
In some cases, sedation/local anaesthetic is not required. This will depend on type of treatment you are having, the location, size and number of moles which needs to be removed. The technique used for removing mole depends on certain factors namely what condition it is, location & its size.
Scalpel is used to remove moles and wound is then closed with few stitches. Whereas, some moles are frozen off with liquid nitrogen or destroyed by use of precision high-energy laser. Before you carry on with the idea of getting private mole removal don we would recommend you to contact our team on 0207 030 3370. Our dermatologists will analyse your mole and remove it for you on the same day if they think it is cancerous.

Benefits you get from mole removal:

  • Decreases skin irritation that takes place when certain moles rub against jewellery/clothing
  • Achieve smooth/clear skin
  • Improved appearance and self-esteem
  • Protruding moles are removed

Are there risks involved in mole removal surgery?

There are several treatments which are carried out successfully round the year with no complications or major problems associated with it. Your professional surgeon will explain risks related to each method and advise you on which type of treatment is most suitable for your condition. Mole removal sample would be then sent for laboratory examination.

With Harley Street based Mole Clinic London, our private dermatologists can remove your moles on the same day with minimal if any visible scarring. Please call our team on 0207 030 3370 to book your appointment with us.

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OPEN daily from 9am To 9pm 0207 030 3370

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