Hair Loss Treatment For Hair London

Suffering from hair loss? Know about the causes and treatments for Hair

What is Alopecia?
Most people normally lose about 50-100 hair per day. Are you losing more than that? Is your scalp visible even though you are young? People tend to lose hair as they age, which is normal. However, if you see hair thinning even while you are young, that is something you should worry about.
Hair loss also known as Alopecia has possible causes. Alopecia can be divided into diffuse and localized alopecia and into scarring and non-scarring alopecia. We will discuss the history of your hair loss, examine your scalp to judge the pattern of the hair loss and suggest treatment consequently

Generalized/diffuse alopecia
Most common cause of this hair loss is age related thinning of scalp hair. It can also be due to deficiencies of iron or zinc, thyroid gland disorders, recent illness or pregnancy.

Localized/Patchy alopecia
Localized alopecia means patchy hair loss. The commonest cause of this is alopecia areata, which is autoimmune, meaning that the body’s own immune cells attack the hair follicles. Hair loss tends to be complete in affected areas, but patchy with normal hair in between.


1. Hormonal factors
This is the most common cause of hair loss. In genetically susceptible people, sex hormones can trigger hair loss or hair thinning which can begin even in puberty. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, using birth control pills or menopause can also lead to hair loss.

2. Hereditary factor
The most common cause of hair loss is a hereditary condition called male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness.

3. Medical conditions
A variety of medical conditions can cause hair loss, including thyroid problems, alopecia areata (autoimmune disease), scalp infections and skin infections.

4. Medications: drugs used to treat can cause hair loss

  • Cancer
  • Arthritis
  • Depression
  • Heart problems
  • High blood pressure

5. A physical or emotional shock:
Many people experience a general thinning of hair after a physical or emotional shock.

6. Hair-pulling disorder:
This mental illness causes people to have a tempting urge to pull out their hair, whether it is from the scalp, their eyebrows or other areas of the body.

7. Certain hairstyles:
Traction hair loss can occur if the hair is pulled too tightly into hairstyles.

Hair Loss Treatments

For some types of hair loss treatment can resume hair growth, while in other situations treatments can hide hair loss.

  • Medication

Medications both topical and internal can be used to prevent hair loss and at time cause hair regeneration. Our hair dermatologists are highly experienced in prescribing such medications should you be a candidate for this type of therapy.

  • Surgery

Hair transplants: This type of procedure removes tiny plugs of skin containing a few hairs from the back or sides of your scalp. The plugs are then implanted into the bald sections of your scalp.

    • Scalp reduction:
      This procedure surgically removes some of the bald skin on your head. After hairless scalp treatment, the space is closed with hair-covered scale
    • A few tips to prevent hair loss that can be followed at home include: following a balanced diet, avoiding tight hairstyles, and avoiding twisting or pulling your hair.
      At our London Dermatology Clinics, you will get varied treatment options available to reduce hair fall or get a hair transplant done at a reasonable cost and consult the best dermatologist for hair loss.

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